Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello there world,
Well yesterday was my youngest's birthday.   It was wonderful to have him here with me again.  He moved in with me about a week ago.   It is strange having both my boys living here.   I am enjoying it but it is strange.
I am really starting to get into the swap stuff on swap bot.   It is a little confusining and frustrating when you do a swap and the other people in the swap do not fallow through with thier part but I guess that is normal human behavior.
Well not much else happening in my life right now so I will close for today.

Monday, April 16, 2012

New things in my life

Well I have all kinds of new things going on in my life. 
First I am now a trained dog trainer.   I don't actually have my cerificate yet but I have finished the training.  Now I just have to start training dogs other then my own dog.   I want to start going to the local shelter and working with those dogs.  Then I need to start setting up the busniess so I can do this for a living.
Second I joined a site called Swap-bot.  It looks like it could be a fun place to play and a great way to meet other people all over the world.   My first "swap" will be done today.  I joined a swap for 2 postcards to be sent form my town.  I am really excited to find out who I will get cards from.  My cards go to Arizona and Sweeden.
My second swap is why this blogg is getting read.  I have to visit some other bloggs and they will visit mine.
I have also been vigorously visiting an old passion.  I have been sewing up a storm and working on cleaning out my sewing room.  I have a shop on and will be posting a bunch of new stuff there in the next few weeks.  If you would like to visit my store on it is
Well I think that is enough for today.